Members can purchase guest memberships if they would like to bring someone who does not own River Ranch property into River Ranch. Each member is allowed to purchase up to 2 guest memberships at a cost of $135 each. When bringing in a guest, waivers will need to be signed and you as the member are responsible for the guest to ensure that they follow RRPOA rules. Guests are not to utilize the property unless they are with the property owner that signed them in.
ORV Permit
Each guest is required to have an orange ORV permit on all vehicles that utilize the trails within River Ranch. ORV permits can be purchased at a cost of $5 each.
Each guest membership is only good to bring in one ATV. Additional ATVs may be brought onto the property at a cost of $20 each.
Guest – Fee
When a guest is brought into River Ranch by a member they will need to purchase a one time guest card. Cost of this card is $10 and this card will be good for 12 months. This card is only used to help expidite the sign in process at the front gate and does not give the guest access to the property. Guests are required to have a valid ID, without it they will not be allowed access to River Ranch Property.
Guests are required to leave a $20 refundable deposit and receive a wristband in addition to the one time guest card fee, as mentioned above. This wristband must be worn the entire time they are on River Ranch property. This wristband will be removed by a River Ranch employee when signing out. If the wristband has been removed prior to signing out the deposit will not be returned. NO EXCEPTIONS
Minor Guests
If you bring anyone under the age of 18 other than your children, you must have a limited power of attorney (available at the front gate) that has been filled out by the minors parent or legal guardian.
and Sign-Out Procedures
All guests when entering and leaving the property should park in the field by the front gate and walk up. In order to do paperwork guests must have a valid picture ID, without it they will not be allowed access to River Ranch property. Members are responsible for making sure that their guests are signed out. Insurance and liability issues mandate that this is done. If a guest leaves the property to go to the store without the member, the member must come back up to the gate to get that guest back in when they return. A guest can sign out and leave before a member, but the $20 deposit will not be returned until the member signs out. Members only, not the spouse or their children can sign a guest in or out.
*Attention: Due to liability issues there are no pets allowed at the front. Please leave your pets in the vehicle when signing in.